1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.After the wave of adjustment stocks went up, it didn't end so soon, so I paid attention to the robot when adjusting.5, so I think this position is still more inclined to an adjustment, but now it has been defeated by emotions in technical analysis, and it cannot be completely viewed by technology.
When I adjust, I'll continue to lower my current hand.I am aiming at some profitable banking sectors in front of me. Changshu Bank, which entered the market below 7.6 yuan yesterday, bounced up today, earning a point, and I immediately prompted the clearance to leave.Is the big market coming again? Did you go to Man Cang?
1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.9. The direction of attack is mainly some varieties that fluctuate sideways, or some that are piled up at the bottom. I intend to make a medium-term band.But I didn't expect him to break through 3440 after the news came out today.
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide